The PRIESTLY FRATERNITIES OF ST. DOMINIC are diocesan priests who are formally affiliated to the Order of Preachers and Dominican Family through a Rule of life that they profess, and so strive for evangelical perfection under the overall direction of the Dominican friars.
Priests who join the Order in this way, to be a part of the Dominican Family, “strive to be imbued with the spirit of Saint Dominic” and tend “to a perfect apostolic life”, so that from the assiduous contemplation of God which unites untiring study of Sacred Doctrine with fervent prayer and voluntary poverty, they attain a firm faith and an apostolic spirit which is fully concerned for the salvation “of every creature” “to the ends of the earth.”
“Dominican Diocesan Priests”
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Dominic members are part of the Dominican Family by profession and sharers in the grace and mission of the Order of Preachers. The Order provides the members of the Priestly Fraternity with spiritual aid and directs them to their sanctification. However, it leaves them free for the local Church's complete service, under their bishop's jurisdiction.
Priests of Saint Dominic in particular places are normally organized into local chapters (fraternities), according to various cities or dioceses, and they have periodic meetings. In their progress in Dominican life, they rely upon the provincial promoter of the Order, that is, the Prior Provincial of the territory where the fraternities are established and the Master of the Order, head of the whole Dominican Family and successor to Saint Dominic.
If you are a Diocesan Priest and would like to share in the spiritual gifts of the Order of Preachers in the Priestly Fraternity of St. Dominic you can contact the Dominican Province of St. Joseph the Worker Nigeria and Ghana, our Prior Provincial through his Provincial Promoter for the fraternity to learn more about the next steps.